Opened: 1960’s
Capacity: 650 Cars
Screens: One
Operator: Hoyts
Closed: 1985
he only Hoyts drive-in in Queensland. It followed very much in the style of their southern 1960’s drive-ins and also has similarities to both Wagga and Tamworth.

Hoyts used the rear snack bar design in several later drive-in theatres. It is not known if they did this to maximise the land area or for other reasons. The only single screen drive-in in Australia from this era that retains this design today is Wallis’s Gepps Cross Mainline in Adelaide.

This is as elaborate as it gets. Thousands of dollars were spent here creating a very well appointed outdoor dining and viewing area. To think all of this was bulldozed, Hoyts quickly closed drive-ins that didn’t pay their way, and even ones that did!