Opened: 1963
Location: Copelands Rd
Capacity: 250 cars (originally 549)
Screens: One
Operator: Warragul Theatres Pty Ltd, Kenric
Closed: 1984
This drive-in was due to reopen in late 2003. The VCAT appeal was successful and Kevric Theatres were forging ahead. The Twilite promised to revive the drive-in theatre experience for families throughout Warragul and the LaTrobe Valley. The project fell dormant due to the landowner wanting more than what a drive-in operation could support. Since Moe drive-in closed the La Trobe Valley and surrounding areas have been without a drive-in.

The Warragul Twilight history is typical of many drive-ins located in similar sized Australian towns. The owners of the Regent theatre, realising the effects of television, built a drive-in that closed during the VCR boom in the 1980’s. Then finally a small modern multiplex is built in the town and cinema continues to re-invent itself.

The Twilite is located in a lush garden setting- complete with a wonderful children’s playground and a unique, fully landscaped, large-scale railway which patrons can ride before the show! My son can vouch that this is one excellent ride especially with pet dog running alongside! The original C&W projectors with carbon arcs remain!