Opened: 1965
Location: Denmark, WA
Capacity: 140 Cars
Screens: One
Operator: J & K Rourke/J. Sage/G. Ford
Closed: 1980’s
The Denmark drive-in was one of around 100 drive-ins that operated in Western Australia. Nowhere else in the world did drive-in fever take hold as it did in this state. The majority of WA drive-ins held less than 200 cars yet the vast majority remained profitable in very small communities for 2 decades. These were more than drive-ins, these were venues that held towns together and in the days before TV and videos were the only eyes to the outside world. If you are not familiar with Western Australia, imagine a state half the size of Europe or a quarter the size of the USA and you will understand the size of this place and the isolation of the people in the towns across the state.

Denmark was equipped with Simplex projectors. Thanks to Max Bell for photos and information used on this page.