Opened: 1956
Location: Waterloo & Lane Cove Rds
Capacity: 639 Cars
Screens: One
Operator: Consolodated Drive-in Theatres (Greater Union & Hoyts)
Closed: February 5 1986
Today the Canon building sits on the site and before 1956 it was an orange orchard, but for 30 glorious years Hollywood came to the site in the form of the Skyline drive-in. It was a fully equipped drive-in with long winding driveway leading to a holding area. These held the 2nd session audience while the earlier session was concluding. This drive-in sat on prime land and was snapped up when finally closed with the double feature on Wednesday, February 5, 1986; Rocky IV and Conan The Destroyer. It closed under the Greater Union banner and was owned by them at this time having bought out Hoyts several years earlier.