Opened: 1969
Location: Stapylton Rd, Yatala
Capacity: 375 Cars
Screens: Two
Operator: Sourris Bros, Five Star.
Closed: Open
Now a triple screen venue, the Yatala drive-in as it is now called can finally offer more first run movies. The new screens are at the rear of the former original screen area. A new projection building was also added for Screen 3. It has an unusual, but practical, double sided screen This drive-in has survived in an area part way between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and today draws from both markets. It is now one of only 2 operating drive-ins in south east Queensland. This area once boasted up to 20 drive-in theatres. The pleasant surrounds add to the feel of this drive-in which sits just off the main Highway. If you are a Ford V8 motor racing fan then the Dick Johnson Racing workshops are right next door to this venue.

When ever I visit a drive-in in northern Australia I think back to those freezing nights in Melbourne in mid-Winter, rain and 1.00 am when we did our ramp tramp after every show. Each speaker would be re-hung on the post, the volume turned down and the speaker and junction box checked for damage. Any units that had survived a car driving off with the speaker still in the window was noted or retrieved to the projection room for repair the following day prior to the show. A classic scenario would be, film ends, speaker is turned down, seat belts fastened, food scraps and rubbish thrown out the window and then our hero drives off forgetting all about the speaker in the window! Bang, they were generally so embarrassed they made for the exit gate very quickly – broken side window or not!