Opened: 1959
Location: Swanport road, Murray Bridge
Capacity: 320 Cars
Screens: One
Operator: Roy Denison/Colin Kennet & family
Closed: Closed February 5 2005
From 2005………………………………….The poor old Riverview will soon be housing. Even Murray Bridge is victim to ever increasing land values. After a nostalgia screening the lights finally went dark on another drive-in. If you don’t want your local to be next, visit it soon! What follows was written in 2000………….The Riverview drive-in is now known as the Murray Bridge drive-in. It is operated by the Kennet family who also run the Cameo twin cinema in Murray Bridge. It was purchased several years ago from Roy Denison who operated it for most of its life.

On the left of the screen can be seen the replacement pannels added after the last wind storm blew down a part of the screen.
The Kennets have transformed this drive-in from a summer only venue into an all year round venture. It has been restored and upgraded with new equipment and is a credit to the operators. If you leave the freeway and venture in to Murray Bridge on your way to Adelaide, you will see the giant screen glistening in the sun purched high on the hill. This high vantage point has its advantages for patrons trying to locate it, but the downside is it catches a lot of wind, the screen has blown down more than once!